xmas stars

xmas stars

Saturday, 21 April 2012

SWAN sisters

OK so at present I'm full of smiles not because things in life are great not because we've had answers that's all still not changed its because of a very special group of ladies these ladies i like to call my SWAN sisters i suggested a group of us got together and did a sponsored weight loss to try and help raise money for the fab SWAN UK we spent the evening all chatting over facebook and our smiles just got bigger and bigger i love being part of this swan family it doesn't matter if i want to cry ,shout , giggle and laugh or sit in the corner rocking back and forth theres always someone there to hold my hand don't get me wrong these new found friends don't replace my other friends how can they we've been through to much together , my new found friends understand in a different way to others as they live the same life as me so today i want to send extra big hugs to my friends i call my SWAN sisters thanks for picking me up on a low day

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